Anti-Doping 2

KWA’s Anti-Doping Policy has changed, effective 1 January 2021. It has adopted the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy which was developed by Sport Integrity Australia to reflect the changes to the World Anti-Doping Code and Australian legislation.

    1. The purpose of the Australian Anti-Doping Policy is to have a single and consistent set of anti-doping rules across all sports in Australia.
    2. All participants of Kung Fu Wushu in Australia are bound by the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy. This includes athletes, support personnel and employees whose employment contracts enable this.
    3. It is important that all members including athletes and support personnel have a strong understanding of their obligations under the new policy. Changes include a new anti-doping rule; violation of retaliation; a category of athletes that is lower-level, and flexibility related to sanctioning for certain levels of athletes/participants.

The purpose of KWA’s Anti Doping Policy is to protect Athletes’ fundamental right to participate in doping-free sport and to ensure harmonised, coordinated and effective anti-doping programs at the international and national level with regard to detection, deterrence and prevention of doping.

Kung Fu Wushu Australia’s Anti-Doping Policy and Education Plan

The Australian Anti-Doping Policy – which is the Anti-Doping Policy for Kung Fu Wushu Australia, and all its member organisations, can be viewed here: Australian Anti-Doping Policy

Sport Integrity Australia is now the Australian agency responsible for anti-doping.
The Anti-Doping Education Plan can be viewed here: Anti-Doping Education Plan
The Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy can be viewed here: Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy

World Anti-Doping Agency

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) updates its prohibited list prior to the commencement of each calendar year. Visit for more information

WADA updates its list of prohibited substances annually. The current list (as of January 2021) can be viewed here: Prohibited List Documents 

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Anti-Doping Code is found here: WADA Anti-Doping Code


Anti Doping Organisations – Useful Contacts and References

Sport Integrity Australia

Sport Integrity Australia is now the Australian agency responsible for anti-doping.
Website –
Email –

Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority

ASADA is the Australian Government Agency responsible for testing, education and advocacy as well as investigation and enforcement.
Website –
Email –

Australian Sports Drug Medical Advisory Committee (ASDMAC)

ASDMAC is the Australian body that gives approval for athletes to use prohibited medications for legitimate therapeutic purposes.
Website –
Email –

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

WADA publish and maintains the ‘Prohibited List’ which is an international standard identifying substances and methods prohibited in-competition, out-of-competition, and in particular sports.
Website –
Email –

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a TUE?
A Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) allows an athlete to use a controlled or banned medication if there is a medical requirement for using it. Athletes apply to the Australian Sports Drug Medical Advisory Committee (ASDMAC) and must give medical evidence that they need to use this medication to treat a medical condition. A copy of all applications for TUE must also be sent to Kung Fu Wushu Australia.

I am a junior athlete. Do I have to apply for a TUE for my medication?
ASADA may test any international athlete during competition. You are required to submit a TUE if you are using any banned or controlled medication.

I am competing in the National Championships system. Will I need a TUE for my medication?
YES. All male athletes over 18 years and female athletes over 16 years will need to have a TUE for a banned or controlled medication if they are competing at the National Championships.

What cough & cold medications can I take?
You can take all decongestants and cough suppressants out-of-competition. During the competition period, you can take decongestants containing phenylephrine or chlorpheniramine.

I am having a cortisone injection into a joint; will I need to apply for a TUE?
No, you will not have to apply for a TUE for any joint or musculoskeletal cortisone injections.

I use a cortisone nasal spray for hayfever; do I need to apply for a TUE?
No, you will not have to apply for a TUE for any inhaled, nasal or skin use of cortisone. You will need to sign a Declaration of Use at the time of drug testing.

For how long is the TUE valid?
The validity of a TUE varies according to the condition and medication used and may be from a number of weeks to cover the treatment of an acute condition, to a year if the condition requires chronic treatment. Athletes will be notified in the approval letter from ASDMAC. You will need to update your medical file with your doctor at least yearly.

What supplements can I take?

Some supplements list their ingredients under different names, and it is not possible in many cases to verify the contents of the product. The contents of supplements can vary from batch to batch and may intentionally or unintentionally contain prohibited substances. Athletes who take supplements are, therefore, at risk of committing an inadvertent anti-doping rule violation.

There have been cases where both Australian and international athletes have been sanctioned after they have used supplements that they thought were okay, but which were actually contaminated with prohibited substances.

Vitamin and mineral supplements from reputable manufacturers may be less likely to be contaminated with prohibited substances.

Are recreational drugs banned?
All stimulants are banned in-competition (including amphetamine, methamphetamine, ecstasy).